Shooting stars
Q: What is the significance of 'shooting stars'. If one on a regular basis sights shooting stars, is there any meaning to this?
Q: What is the significance of 'shooting stars'. If one on a regular basis sights shooting stars, is there any meaning to this?
Q: Is taraweeh fardh according to the Hanafi madhab?
Q: Due to employment or education, people may not be given permission and/or will not be able to perform Jum'ah Salah at the standard Jamat time in the Masjid. Hence, in summer, a later Jum'at takes place (late afternoon) in the same Masjid so that people do no not miss Jum'ah altogether?
(a) Is it permissible to organise a second Jum'ah Jamat in the same Masjid where one Jum'ah Salaah has already taken place?
(b) If not, please explain why?
(c) If this is not permissible, are there any alternative solutions or should one ensure that, come what may, they attend the Jum'ah Salah which takes place at the standard time?
Q: I am a muslim and I am a magician. What does islam say about this?
Q: I had started to read the holy Quran a few days back before Ramadaan and completed it during Ramadan and also finished another full khatam in Ramadan. My question is will this count as reading two khatams in Ramadaan? Or only one which I fully read in Ramadaan? Please explain.
Q: What extra Duas can be made in Jalsa, sujood and qiyaam?
Q: I am a follower of the Hanafi Mazhab. At the Haramain the Witr prayer during Ramadaan is conducted in Jamaah. At times they pray as 2 + 1 rakaats and sometimes as 3 rakaats. Also they raise their hands during Dua-e-Qunoot which during the night of Shab e Qadr and the night of Quran Khatam which is on 29th night of Ramadhan the Dua e Qunoot goes on for approximately half an hour.
Please advise in the circumstances narrated above:
(1)What type of Niyat should I make for Witr namaaz not being sure whether it is going to be 2 + 1 or 3 rakaats together?
(2) should I also raise the hands during Dua e Qunoot which we normally do not do in Hanafi Mazhab.
In the huge gathering it is practically difficult to move away and not participate in the Witr.
Q: Who should bear the wife’s pregnancy expenses? Woman's husband or her parents?
Q: My question is about how to dress whilst reading Quran. I am always covered and dressed modestly when reading but is the hijaab necessary?
Q: Is it permissible to keep amulets (Taweez). An Imaam gave it to us as we have nazar and other problems. Please let me know if it is a sin to keep amulets which have Quraanic Aayaat?