Shaking the hands of na mahrams

Q: It is obviously haraam to violate the hijab, in terms of both, appearance and attitude and actions. I know for example, speaking about private things to the opposite gender is haraam. What if one shakes the hand of the opposite gender whom he/she is completely un-attracted to? Is there still sin in this?

Gargling the mouth in wudhu


1. After making wudhu/rinsing the mouth, the saliva of a fasting person is extremely 'wet,' as though there is some residue of water left. Despite spitting out the saliva numerous times, the excessive ‘wetness’ remains for a long period. Does swallowing such type of saliva invalidate the fast?

2. If so, is Qadha or Kaffaarah necessary?

Reading an Islamic book with Aayaat from the Qur'an without wudhu

Q: If one is reading an Islamic book that happens to have an ayat of the Quran in it, does one need to have wudhu to read this book? I am reading a book on the fundamentals of Islam and there are a few verses from the Quran throughout this book. Do I need to have wudhu to read this book or can I read this book without wudhu as long as I do not touch the verses that are written?

Raising funds using videos

Q: A charity trust run under the stewardship of scholars is doing fund raising by means of video appeals in the Masjid Jamat Khana. In these videos faces of people can be seen. Ulama condone this by attending the programme in the Masjid. Is raising funds in this way permissible and is it permissible to broadcast such videos in the Masjid Jamat Khana?

Getting involved with a married woman

Q: I am involved with one woman. She is the mother of 3 kids and she got a husband as well. I am trying to get rid off her but I can't control myself. We are working in the same place. It is not that I love her but if I don't talk to her, I feel strange. I feel very disturbed. She always ignores me. She always hurts me. She never values my feelings. She sleep with her husband as well I know. But she never admits it. I want to go away from her. But
I can't change my job. She works there. She treats me as a slave. Whenever she feels, she talk otherwise no. I just want not to even think about her. Please tell me something.

Life insurance

Q: Is it permissible to use Life insurance or medical insurance by LIC (which is run by the Government of India) like we use other benefits which the Government provides (e.g: Government provides money to people who are injured in an accident or for treatment. etc)