
Q: I had a small cut on my finger. There was a little bit of water in the wound but it was not flowing, it was still within the wound. I wiped some cream on the wound and then creamed my body. At the time of wiping I was under the impression that the wound had heeled, but after the cream had dried I noticed there was still water within the wound. Did I spread any najis?

Performing Jumu'ah Salah in a church

Q: Due to space restriction in an existing Masjid, is it permissible for Muslims to perform Jum'ah Salah in a church on the basis that some brothers argue that the whole earth is a Masjid and provided that any items pertaining to shirk are covered, there is no problem in performing Salah in a church? If it is not permissible please advise why with Shar'i evidences so that the matter can be addressed with the proofs in front of us?

How should a person suffering from Parkinson's disease perform Salaah?

Q: I am a Parkinson's disease patient. Parkinson's disease is ageing of the brain before time. I am now at a stage where I am unable to go to masjid, I pray at home and it is not easy. I keep having problems concentrating. On the days that my condition worsens my lips hardly move as I end up doing tilaawat in my heart. I sometimes forget which position I am in, usually forget what I have prayed. Often go to sleep and forget which rakah I am on. I try my best  to repeat (sometimes until the end of salaat time) I feel helpless. Is my salaah valid? In the above situation could I perform my salaah lying down and how would I do this?

Urine problems

Q: I am suffering from urinary incontinence I mean leakage of urine all the time. My treatment is going on but till I recover I want to know how shall I pray namaaz and quraan? Please help me out give me best answer according to Islamic knowledge.

أكثر ما يدخل الناس النار الأجوفان: الفم والفرج

س: هناك حديث مشهور (لا أدري في أي المصدر) ذكر فيه أن النبي صلى الله عليه و سلم قد سئل : أي الأعمال أكثر تسببا في دخول الناس النار. و أخبر النبي صلى الله عليه و سلم أنها اللسان و الفروج. (ذكرت جزء الحديث بالمعنى نسيت لفظه). أرجو منكم الحصول على الشرح التفصيلي لهذا الحديث إذا كان بكم أي كتاب فيه شرح تفصيلي لهذا الحديث.

Taking things in one's stride

Q: I am 24 years old preparing for civil services. Since two years I am suffering from anxiety and panic attack. I consulted a psychologist and done all things but I have not benefited from that. I also consulted a Moulana but could not get desirable results. I am always worried and can't do my studies properly.

Business proposal

Q: I have been offered a business proposal to be a shareholder in a new company by a businessman who is going to be the financier of the business. The offer is as follows:

(1) Better my current salary where I am currently working.

(2) 30% shares of the business.

He is also basing this decision on my knowledge and contacts that I have on the nature of this business. We have both agreed to have everything in writing at the right authorities. Please advise on how I should go about doing it.