Working as a clearing agent

Q: I have just engaged in seaport clearing agency insha Allah with the aim of observing Shariah and sunnah. But I'm faced with the following questions.

1. Short payment to the government custom duty is common. Is it allowed? Short payment is paying for HONDA 1999 instead of 2003. Majority are involved in this  even the custom officers overlook this.  Contracting the clearing out makes the case worse as they will hide the short payment.

2. Also in the clearing offices people pay some amount that are already normal things over there but are without receipt. Are we allowed to
pay such money when we don't have options and its already their system. eg vehicle examnation officer will not leave his office unless such amount is paid. No special treatment will be given for ones job except that its their norm.

3. Police on the way also ask for money even after you have correct papers. Can we give them money?

The dua of every Nabi

Q: I heard that every prophet and messenger were given one Du'aa that Allah will definitely fulfil e.g Sulaiman (Alayhis Salaam) had control over all Jinns and had power. Nuh (Alayhis Salaam) made du'aa that all the non believers be killed. What was Isa (Alayhis Salaams) Du'aa?

Cheating and Deceiving

Q: In our college it is required that students attend 75% lectures throughout the year. But lectures waste time of students and are of no benefit. Also in lectures students mark false attendance (proxy) of their friends and the teachers themselves know this but do not cancel such attendance. As a result the honest person suffers because on record his attendance is always shown less due to some absentees for reasons as compared to majority of students who are always marked present falsely. This creates poor impression at the end of year on examiner about honest person when examiner sees that his attendance is below than others which is injustice to one who is truth. So is it permissible that I tell my friend to mark my proxy attendance bearing in mind that Allah knows that the teachers themselves are promoting this corruption, to prevent injustice to me and to save my time and instead use time to good use at home because why should I suffer for being honest when teachers themselves don’t bother and coming to class is mere waste of time?

Hadith query

Q: Is it true that there is a hadith stating something to this effect: "Only ambiyaa are allowed to be buried in structures." If it is a صحيح حديث then why are the two khalifas (hazrat Abu-bakr and hazrat umar) buried in a structure?

Consuming haraam

Q: If a person were to consume haraam food eg. a chocolate without any doubt or without knowledge that it contains haraam, would a person's imaan be weakened? Similarly eating take aways.

The name "Raju"

Q: A male whose name is Raju, what does the name Raju mean? Is it permissible to keep the name or should the name Raju be changed because I
heard Raju is a Hindu name?