Mother giving her son jewellery for his future wife

Q: A mother gives jewellery and other items to her eldest unmarried son and says to him : “This is for wife when you get married”.  However, years elapse during which several proposals failed to materialise and the son thus remained unmarried.  The items remained in the son’s possession. Now with demise of the mother, what is the situation?  Is the son to be deemed the owner or in actual fact to be merely deemed to be in possession of items entrusted to him to hold until a specific event (i.e. marriage) has taken place?  In the latter case, does the items now form part of the estate of the deceased mother if it uncertain if marriage will ever take place in the foreseeable future?

On the other hand, assuming subsequently the son also dies unmarried. What is the situation then? To whose estate do the items now belong?

Is the following wazifa correct?

Q: I have come across a wazifa which is for life without problems. In this wazifa we have to pray as follows"in every two sunnete mokayda,we have to pray suray kafiroon, suray asar and suray lahab, in the first rakat,and then suray ikhlas, suray falak and suray naas in the second rakat. Is praying this way allowed? If so, which surahs should we pray for the two farz rakah for farz salah seeing that all six final surahs have already been prayed in the sunnate mokeda of farz salah?

The importance of the Shar'iah


  1. What is the importance of Islamic shariah?
  2. If a muslim says "what is shariah (as if he/she wants to comment that shariah has no importance) then what is comment as an Islamic Scholar.
  3. What if a muslim says some thing which is not in accordance with the Shariah rules of Inheritance?
  4. A muslim says that I cannot ask for my father's inheritance property because my mother and brother has taken care of that property. Please comment according to shariah.