
Q: I saw a big well very big well type from which sound of a crying girl who is in immense pain, was coming. Then I saw my dad who already expired 4 years back in reality. I don't remember much. Then I felt my mom, her head was on my lap and she was dying and I was crying. Suddenly I was saying that she died but then somebody said no, she is alive. I saw her and I felt her to be mom but she didn't look like. She was younger and then I said to myself that I may have concluded wrong. Then again I saw someone probably dad but not sure and either from my ear or that persons ear a very big amount of dirt was coming out as if the whole ear was totally packed with dirt. Please tell me the meaning of this dream.


Q: Interpretation of Istikhaara:

On the first night I had a dream that I wanted to get married to a cousin brother whose mother had breast feed me. We told everyone but no one agreed as he is my brother and would be wrong to get married to.

Second day and third day no dream

Forth day I had a dream I was in madrassah and me and three friends went to the wudu khana and at that time there was a lot of people around and I saw blood all over the floor and a man or someone was running with a blooded knife

Fifth day nothing

Sixth day I went with family out and the same cousin in the dream of the first day wanted to spend time with me but didn't get the chance until the end of the dream he spent a little time.

Seventh day nothing that I remember.


Q: My friend had a dream where me and him were sitting in a bayan. The speaker that was speaking was Sheikh Riyadh ul Haq. During the speech my friend saw me without my beard and I was laughing and pulling on his beard. What does this mean?

Kissing the Qur'an

Q: I had a question regarding kissing the quran and putting it on the forehead if one mistakenly drops the quran or shows disrespect to it then will it be a necessary for him to kiss the quran? If one kisses it, will it be regarded as bidah?

Hoors in Jannah

Q: Will a woman get a pure man in jannah, just as men get women that have not been touched. I mean women control their sexual desires as
well and they obey Allah(swt) as well. And it is one of the greatest desire of a woman to have a husband who only loves her. So wouldn't it be more fair if she is granted what she desires?