Giving sadaqah to a Musjid
Q: Can sadaqa donation be given to a masjid?
Q: Can sadaqa donation be given to a masjid?
Q: I know that inhaling steam or smoke while fasting causes the fast to break. My question is that when cooking food while fasting, there is a great risk that steam will be inhaled. Will it be necessary to take precautions to avoid the steam by keeping a distance from the cooking food as much as possible? In the case where one inhales steam unintentionally, will one's fast break?
Q: I am married and have kids. Through out my marriage I had a lot of problems. I stayed because of my kids. The issues were mainly my husband going out with bad company, staying out late, people seeing him at clubs, or people saying he's on drugs. I have now found out that he is taking drugs. He refuses to admit it. Says he isn't. He's not working at the moment, he is trying everywhere for a job. What must I do? I can't afford kids school. I'm not thinking straight. I only cry and feel helpless. I want to leave. What does Mufti advise?
Q: Can tea nd pomegrant leaves be used for hair coloring? Is it allowed or not?
Q: Can we make dua by taking the wasilah of Hazrat Muhammad (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam)?
Q: Is there any sort of marriage (nikaah) that can take place purely and only for satisfying one's natural urges and desires? In other words, the man and woman only meet for this purpose and other than this, they both do not wish to shoulder any of the responsibilities of nikaah.
Q: My question is about bank interest. If a person is receiving interest from a bank, can he use this interest for a poor girl's marriage?
Q: If the husband wants to live apart from his parents but the wife does not, can the husband still move out with his wife and child?
Q: Is it counted as talaaq if a man tells everyone that he divorced his wife even though he never mentioned the words talaaq to her. Is she divorced from him by him telling people that he divorced her.
Q: I just came back from Umrah and I read istikarah there for marriage to a certain boy. I had a few dreams, please help me interpret them.
The first dream I had I was looking at wedding dresses while my brother was on the phone with the boy. They were laughing and happy. I can't remember what they were talking about.
Another dream I had was my mother was looking at the boys picture and was smiling and I got shy and turned away.
I also dreamt of the boy standing in Madina outside the haram wearing a black kurta.
Another dream was I walked into a room that was empty and completely white, in the dream I thought to myself is this a hospital ward or what? I stood at the door of this white room.
In Makkah I dreamt of the name of Allah Al Malik, it was written in Arabic and in black and I was looking at it.
Please help me as I am so confused. I don't want to make the wrong decision. Divorce has become such a norm and I don't want that to happen to me.