Standing up before "Haya Alas Salaah"
- Is it makrooh to stand up before the Maqadir says " Haya ala Aslah" in the Iqamah?
- What is a Muqadir?
- Could a detail understanding be given to the above question as it is creating confusion?
Q: Should I make niyyah for leading jamaat, if I pray together with a non-baligh child of 6 or 7 years?
Q: A women died leaving behind 1 son, 2 daughters, 3 brothers and four sisters. Please explain the division of the estate.
Q: It was just before the time of tahajjud when I saw a dream where I was in a very beautiful place & a man who was unknown to me who looked at me and said: meet muhammed صَلَّى اللَّهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ then the alarm rang and I got up.
Q: A person has one daughter and two sons. Throughout his lifetime he gave and did more financially for one of his sons and daughter (best of education, flat, car, medical bills etc) whilst doing very little for his other son. Although yes he has given it to them as gifts but from my point of view it does not seem fair to the child left out especially when you consider the child left out is very sickly (ps his medication is free) and how huge the financial difference is. No fund has been set up for the child left out. Could you please comment on this situation so as to ease my mind?
Q: A woman's husband passed away whilst at work for a company due to an accident within the company. The company promised help to the woman for next two years plus they paid her a lump sum. After she completed her iddat, the company refused to help her. She went to the labour department to report it. The department wishes to know how much was spent in burying her husband. Is it correct for her to show them how much was spent in the burial of he husband if someone else in the family paid for it? If the department do give her any reimbursement, is she allowed to accept it?
Q: Is the Durood Tunjeena appropriate to recite or is it shirk? Some people say that it is a means of cure and solution for many problems etc.
Q: If a word/sentence does constitute Kufr and a person says that but he does not understand its meaning, or does not intend its meaning, or out of ignorance, or by mistake does that make him a Kafir? Similarly, if doing something constitutes Kufr and a person does that out of ignorance, or by mistake does this make him a Kafir? I read this on the web: "...if an ignorant individual states a word and does not know that this word is Kufr, according to some scholars he will not be Kafir because he will be excused for not knowing. Some scholars had said they will be Kafir..."
And this:
" ...some scholars do not even excuse the mistaken individual who does not know the word he uttered or action he did indicates Kufr and makes Takfir. Especially the Mawarau'n-Nahr (Samarqand and Bukhara) Ulama from the Hanafi Madhhab have held the topic very tight and do not accept ignorance to be an excuse almost in every matter..."
And this:
" Aliyyu'l-Qari states: “if the statements of a Muslim indicates Kufr from 99 angles and Islam from 1 angle he will not be made Takfir of based on %1” and continues to explain the matter of stating Kufr as a mistake. In another place he mentions things similar to the Qadihan Fatawa regarding the same matter. In that narration he states: “The individual who states Kufr without knowing (it is Kufr) will not be Kafir. However, if this matter is a matter of Din that necessarily must be known, then he will not be excused for ignorance, and will be made Takfir of."
What is the majority view from all the madhabs in this issue, and which view should be acted upon?
Q: Is it permissible for my child's school fees to be paid from a zakaat fund?
Q: I would like to enquire about nasheeds / nazms / naats, Is it permissible to listen to these for entertainment purposes, as is common these days? Also if the meaning is not understood vs if the meaning is understood.