The time of Qurbaani
Q: When does the time of qurbaani commence?
Q: When does the time of qurbaani commence?
Q: A masbooq missed one rakaat with the Imaam. When the Imam sat in Qa'ada Akheera the masbooq recited the durood and dua. Should he make sajda sahwu after he completes his missed rakaat?
Q: Is qurbaani waajib on a musaafir?
Q: Upon whom is qurbaani waajib?
Q: Is it halaal to eat meat of Christians and Jews?
Q: Is it permissible to consume "multaani mitti"?
Q: An employer enters into a one year contract of employment with a senior level employee with a specific and unambiguous clause that says:
Three calendar months notice period will apply if your employment is terminated at any stage. Should the notice period be shorter than 3 calendar months, then the defaulting party must pay the balance of the salary equating to the remainder of the notice period not served (eg: should the employee request to leave with a 1 month notice period, then the employee must pay the employer the salary amount for the balance of the 2 months).
Q: If I am a masbooq and I mistakenly make one salaam with the Imam. Then I realise my mistake and stand up to complete my missed rakats, should I make Sajda Sahw?
Q: A Christian official wants to know: "Why do muslims want a seperate graveyard? Why can't they be buried with the rest of the people?
Q: Is dyeing the beard and hair a Sunnah?