Qurbaani of Llamas
Q: Can llamas be used for udhiyya sacrifice? Will the same rules apply as they do for camels (7 parts per animal/ 5 yr old healthy adult)?
Q: Can llamas be used for udhiyya sacrifice? Will the same rules apply as they do for camels (7 parts per animal/ 5 yr old healthy adult)?
Q: Why qurbaani is performed in odd numbers rather than even, such as seven shares for a cow and one share for a goat? Why not six shares for a cow or two shares for a goat?
Q: Last year qurbaani was waajib on me. However, I was not aware of it. Nevertheless, my father has performed qurbaani for me with his money. Will it suffice for my waajib Qurbaani. If not, do I have to do to rectify my mistake?
Q: Can you tell me what is the verdict regarding slaughtering. Do we have to slaughter all four vessels (food pipe, wind pipe & both jugular veins) to regard the animal as being slaughtered halaal according to shariah or do we only need to slaughter three vessels (food pipe, wind pipe & either one of the two jugular veins)?
Q: When calculating your zakaat, you take into consideration the money that is owed to you. Will this also apply on the days of qurbaani in determining if it is incumbent upon one to slaughter or not?
Q: Please advise if there is any restriction that you may be aware of in terms of cutting the head of an animal off after the animal has been slaughtered and is completely dead and before removing the insides and the skin?
Q: If a person purchases raw material with the intention of manufacturing products to be sold, then will zakaat be fardh on such raw material?
Q: Is zakaat fardh upon the medication which the doctor administers to his patients or dispenses to them?
Q: I own a textile mill. I first import the yarn from which the material is manufactured. I supply certain companies material at the manufacturing cost plus ten percent profit. I also wholesale fabric at the wholesale price which is approximately my cost plus twenty percent. I am also a retailer and supply the public at the retail price. When calculating my zakaat, which market am I obligated to take into consideration? Should I evaluate my wealth in accordance to the retailer’s market, wholesaler’s market, or the manufacturer’s market?
Q: Is zakaat fardh on shares? If yes, then how will it be calculated?