Zakaat on Properties, Flats, etc.
Q: Is zakaat fardh on properties, flats, etc?
Q: Is zakaat fardh on properties, flats, etc?
Q: Will zakaat be discharged by offsetting a debt with the intention of zakaat?
Q: Is it permissible to build masaajid with zakaat funds?
Q: Is it permissible to use zakaat funds to purchase hampers and feed the poor? Similarly, is it permissible to provide iftaar for the poor in the month of Ramadhaan using zakaat funds?
Q: Will zakaat be fulfilled if it is used to purchase an item for a school?
Q: Is zakaat compulsory on the payout received from an insurance company for the previous years?
Q: A person purchased an item for resale purposes but thereafter cancelled his intention. After some time, he decided to once again sell the item. Will zakaat be fardh on the item?
Q: Is zakaat waajib upon life insurance which matures after the death of the policy holder?
Q: If I leave my hometown Benoni to sandton (my workplace) which is 40 km away with the intention of going to klerksdorp which is 140km distance from my home town. Should I make Qasr at my workplace?
Q: Is the wearing of niqaab fardh?