
Imaamat and jamaat salaah for a muqeem and musaafir


1. If a Muqeem reads Salah behind a Musafir does he have to make intention for praying behind a Musafir?

2. If he makes intention of praying behind a Musafir whereas the Imam is a Muqeem, does he have to repeat the Salah?

3. What happens if a person reads a Surah in the 3rd Rakat of a Fardh Salah? Does it have to be repeated?

4. If two people read Salaah and the Musalli does not have Wudhu does the Imam have to repeat his Salah?

5. If two people are reading Salah and the Musalli by mistake makes intention of reading another Salah does the Imam have to repeat the Salaah?

6. If a person has missed a Salah whilst travelling and does Qadha at home does he have to read 2 or 4 Rakats?

Waiting for one's companions to perform Salaah in jamaat when travelling

Q: I would like to know the usool/adaab when travelling in a group and stop for salaah at a musjid where the salaah is almost finished. All the brothers in the group have wudhu but one brother doesn't have wudhu. Should all the brothers with wudhu join the jamaat leaving the one brother to miss salaah with jamaat, or should all wait for the brother making wudhu and perform another jamaat, or should most join the main jamaat and a few wait for the brother making wudhu and make another jamaat?

Performing the Sunnah and waajib Salaah when one is a musaafir

Q: I work in a hospital, Peterborough, UK as a medical consultant physician which 58 miles away from my house, Nottingham. I stay in hospital accommodation for 5 nights and I return to Nottingham for 2 night. Whilst in Peterborough I do attend the salah in jamaat in the local masjid, Peterborough for Fajr, Asr, Magrib and Isha.

1. With regards to sunaah and wajib do I have to do full as a mukim?

Besides, during zohr prayer I cannot go to the masjid but I do salah al Qasr if other people are not around in the hospital prayer room. I recently come across a hadith in Arba'een of Imam Nawawi RA that if a person is punctual with four sunnats of zuhr and two thereafter, Allaah will make hell forbidden for him. I just feel that I am missing this great blessing if I do salah al Qasr during zohr time.

2. In light the above, can I perform four sunnats of zuhr and two thereafter, in order to derive the above benefit? Mufti Sahib I would appreciate if you could give a comprehensive fatwaa.

Some masaail relating to safar


  1. Does one start performing Qasr Salah once they leave their home intending to travel more than 48 miles even though they may not have left the boundary of their city or town?
  2. Suppose one is at the airport in one's own city intending to fly abroad. Would such a person perform Qasr Salah?
  3. If Qasr Salah can only be performed outside the boundary of the city, how does one work out what the boundary of the city is?
  4. Is the 48 miles limit from door-to-door or from one city boundary to another city's boundary. If it is from one city's boundary to another city's boundary how does one go about ascertaining city boundaries?
  5. To become a musafir is it once 48 miles is reached or does it have to be more than 48 miles?