
Musaafir changing his intention and staying for more than 15 days

Q: My brother is currently in India and had intended to be there for three weeks. His whole time will be spent in Mumbai only and will not travel
anywhere else. He has been there for the past week and has been performing qasr. He realised today that he will be staying for more then 15 days and therefore is not entitled for qasr. What should he do for the salaat of the past week that he performed as qasr whereas he was not supposed to?

Travelling in the state of haidh

Q: My question is regarding a woman in haidh. If a woman is in haidh and she is going to travel, will the conditions of salaah apply to her? When she reaches her destination, and she becomes tahirah, will she read qasr salaah or she will first have to travel a safr distance from there in order to read qasr or will she have to count the number of days she will be staying there from the day she becomes pure inorder to read qasr? Kindly send me the reference as well.

Does one have to make up for the time spent on journey with one wife?

Q: My question is that if a person has two wives in Pakistan and he travels with one of them to Denmark for thirty five days where he is with her 20 days and went 15 days alone to Germany. When they come back to Pakistan, how many nights he should be with his other wife which he left in Pakistan. All 35 nights or 20 nights?

Performing Tahajjud Salaah when one is on safar

Q: We understand that when a person undertakes a journey for a distance of more than 48 Miles/77 km from his city of residence, he is required to offer only 2 Rakaahs of Fard Salaah, if offered alone, up to 19 days of his stay in another city, as confirmed in Sahih Hadith. But, for those who regularly offer Tahajjud Salaah, should they continue offering Tahajjud Salaah for those 19 days while they are in a state of journey to another city? Or is there an exception for them. Please clarify.

Performing full Salaah when visiting one's husband's hometown

Q: Recently I have got married to a boy who lives approximately 100 miles away from me (more than shari' safar distance). However he is working in my hometown until after Ramadhaan but still holds his hometown as his watn-e-asli. We live together in my hometown. My question is that as I haven't moved to his hometown and consider myself as a resident of my hometown until Ramadhaan. Do I have to perform qasr or itmaam when we visit his family in his hometown?