
Status of the Sunnat Salaah while on safar


1) Whilst on Safar, are the four sunnats also reduced to two rakaats or does that rule only apply to the four fardh?

2) Whilst on Safar, is the 2 sunnah of Fajr compulsory and will one be considered sinful if they omit it?

3) If a person joins the Jamaat late and misses 3 rakaats in 4 rakaat fardh, they will stand up after the Imam makes Salaam, read 1 rakaat and sit for Tashahud again before performing the other 2 rakaats. Kindly explain which rakaats the Surah should be recited and which rakaats it should be omitted?

Travelling without a mahram

Q: I am an unmarried working woman and my questions are:

1. Can I travel with a non mehram senior colleague through plane from Lahore to Karachi?

2. Can I stay in Karachi for a week with that senior colleague in separate rooms?

3. Can I go to visit Karachi beach with 3 male colleagues after office?

Please guide me in both the cases if I have option to avoid this situation and if I dont have an option to avoid. I shall be thankful to you for your timely guidance.

Safar distance


1- Is the following research of the distance of Safar According to the Hanafī Madhhab correct 48 Shar‘ī miles equals (55 miles/88.8 kilometres English miles)Link:

2- What is the research of Hadhrat Mufti Ebrahim Salejee Saheb D.B and other senior Muftis regarding the Distance of Safar According to the Hanafī Madhhab in English miles?

Qasar Salaah

Q: A musaafir became a muqeem in Durban because he intended to stay for 30 days. However, after 20 days, he travels to Port Shepstone, for one day only, returning the same day to Durban. Will this person read qasar for the remaining 10 days or the full salaah?

Performing qasar Salaah while travelling to one's destination


1. If someone intends traveling to a place more than 55 miles (i.e. 88 km) from his hometown but intends staying at his destination for more than 15 days, will he do qasr while traveling to that place?

2. If a person intends going to a place more than 55 miles (i.e. 88 km) from his hometown. After reaching he intends to stay for 15 days. Later on he changes his mind and intends to stay for 2 days. Will he be musafir or muqeem?