
The law of a Musaafir

Q: I will be going on a journey and staying for longer than 15 days (depart on 24/12/2013 return on 11/01/2014). Must I perform full salaat from the time I leave home? Also while on the road to my destination. Kindly clarify for me.

Sunnat-e-Muakkada if one returns from a journey in the Salaah time

Q: I performed isha whilst being a traveller but I returned home before fajr time. Will it be ok for me to perform 2 rakaats isha followed by 3 witr (and skip the sunnats since they are not emphasized then), or must I since I know that I will return home before fajr also pray the sunnats (either whilst on the journey or when coming home)?

Safar distance

Q: Maulana Fazlur Rahman Azmi Sahab of Madrasah Arabia Islamia, Azaadville, South Africa writes in his book: "A person becomes a musafir by travelling 54 english miles not 48 miles. Is this correct because I was told a person becomes a musafir by travelling 48 English miles?

Safar question

Q: I work in Fort McMurray, Alberta and my home city is Calgary, Alberta, Canada. The road distance from Fort McMurray to Calgary is around 700KM and flight duration is little over an hour. I work for 10 days and then take 4 days off. In this condition, would my Salaah be qasar at Fort McMurray and full while I am at home for 4 days?