
Women travelling alone overseas

Q: I have got a question and I need an Islamic advice about it. I got married in England to my cousin 4 years ago and I'm originally from Pakistan. We had some problems in our marriage and my my husband said to me to go Pakistan then I came Pakistan 2 months ago and he divorced me on phone. Now my question is am I allowed to go back to England as I have 6 sisters and no brother. I want to help my dad financially because he have to pay debt of my in laws. I'm 24 years old and I can stay there with my friend whose husband divorced her and she is living alone.

Travelling without a mahram

Q: Is it ok to let my wife accompanied by my three sons, the oldest age is 5 years old, to take taxi as transport to some places where it's quite far and there is a need to go there. The issue is because the driver is non mahram male and I can't accompany my wife because I'm working in the office in the daytime. She can use public buses but a little bit troublesome because she has to take care of the baby trolley and sometimes no seat available?