Witr and Nawaafil

Qunoot-e-Naazilah in Fajr Salaah

Q: I follow Hanafi madhab. Since a few days, our Imam is praying dua in fardh of fajr salaah. On the very first occasion he did this dua in the fardh of fajr in the second rakah before going to ruku and from the next day he started doing it after getting up from ruku.

Now with the differnce in these 2 days, is our fardh salaah valid on both occassions? I know about the special prayers to make when in distress if the Islamic world is facing problems but is it allowed in the Hanafi madhab?

Can Tahajjud become fardh on a person?

Q: My question is about tahajjud...

My mother often, not regularly, wakes up for tahajjud and offers tahajjud namaaz as she cannot do so due to her health. She offers it regularly in Ramadhaan, Shawwal, Muharram and Zil Hajj, etc. (special months). Me and my sister also offer tahajjud daily Alhamdulillah.

Recently, one of my relatives told my mother that if you have started offering tahajjud namaaz or if you offered it one day, you cannot quit it. It becomes fardh for you. I told my mother that this is baseless since a nafal namaz cannot become fardh but she wants to confirm it. Please clarify this according to the Ahle-e-sunnat sect.