
Not feeling the connection when making dua at the time of tahajjud

Q: Tonight I got up to pray tahajjud and when I started praying it felt like a tahajjud prayer though when I went into Sajda, I didn't feel the connection I thought I would, like I went to Allah in taha while crying and when I started praying all my tears were gone, I wasn't able to cry in my sujood. Does this mean I didn't pray it right?

As I checked that I did my wudu right and covered up my self right though still I feel something was missing.

Adding to that, I'm one day away from my periods and I also thought that the crying part was just from my mood swings which are a symptom of our period coming, because when I stood on the prayer mat all the tears went away.

Moreover, I had weird thoughts during the prayer like I wasn't praying right and had alot of skulls appearing in my thoughts (jinn like thoughts). Please share if there is a problem in this or am I just overthinking?

Performing Tahajjud Salaah in pairs of 2 and 4

Q: We know that praying 8 rakaah in tahajud is sunnah but there is no limit on the number of rakaah.

My question is should we pray these 8 rakaah in pairs of 2 or 4 and if we want to pray in pairs of 4 for example 4+4 is 8 so should we recite another surah after fatiha in the third and fourth rakkah because we know that reciting a surah after fatiha in the third and fourth rakaah is wajib in sunnah e muakadah and ghair e muakadah.


Q: I have some questions regarding tahajjud.

1. How long before fajr does the time for tahajjud end?

2. What is the sunnah method for performing tahajjud?

3. How do I pray tahajjud during haidh?