Qadha Salaah

Sahib-e-Tarteeb making qadha of Zuhr Salaah after performing Asr Salaah

Q: I have a question about the Mas'ala of Sahib-e-Tarteeb:

1. If a person is Sahib-e-Tarteeb and he misses a prayer, for e.g. Zuhr. And then prays Asr and after praying Asr, he prays the Qaza of Zuhr. So obviously his Asr prayer is invalid. But what if after praying his Zuhr Qaza, he misses 6 more prayers. So he no longer remains Sahib-e-Tarteeb. So by missing 6 prayers will that Asr prayer which he offered becomes valid?

2. What if he then again offers all those 6 prayers' Qaza and again becomes Shahib-e-Tarteeb, will now his Asr prayer become invalid again?

Estimating the amount of qadhaa salaahs

Q: I have many qadhaas over the past 3 or 4 years. I've tried guessing but I have absolutely no idea, records, nothing. I usually pray all 5 prayers on time now, so would it be okay for me to start praying my qadhaas without making an estimate?

As I've mentioned, I don't have the slightest clue with which to make an educated guess. The longer I keep trying to estimate, the longer it gets put off. It's been two years already.

Paying fidya for one's deceased parents if they did not make a bequest


1. My parents passed away when I was a minor. My mother was shot when I was 2 years old and my father was shot when I was 6 years old. Does that make both of them shaheed?

2. I'm unaware of any qadha salaahs or fast if they had any. I was told that my father used to cover up qadha salaahs, I'm not sure if he completed it. What must I do on behalf of them? I would have estimated how many salaahs and fasts they had from the age of their puberty till demise and paid for every salaah and fast but I'm not a wealthy person. I dont know if I should give kafaarah on their behalf for any qadha salaah and fasts and how much I need to pay for them both as I am unaware of the amount of qadha salaahs or fasts for them both. What must I do?

Giving money to a student to assist him in his studies for the missed fast and salaah of one's father

Q: Dad was ill in hospital and shortly after he got admitted he passed away. He did not give wasiyat for his missed fast and salaah, so I've taken it upon myself to fulfil some sort of kaffarah (fidyah) on his behalf, and insha'allah Allah will accept.

In terms of spending the kaffarah (fidyah), there is a young baligh male who is from a poor family and needs to sort out his final year of studies in order for him to get his degree/diploma in order to move forward with his life.

Is it possible for me to give him the money or a 3rd party who is currently financially responsible for his payments to pay off his final year of studies?