Qadha Salaah

Paying for missed salaahs of a sick person

Q: My father is ill and unable to perform his salaah. I understand that I cannot perform the salaah for him. Is there any other way for me to cover up his salaah for him, and if so, how much will it cost to pay for his salaah? We estimate around 50 years without salaah. He has a house which just got paid off to the value of approx R800 000 and a car to the value of approx R40 000.

Fidyah for missed salaah

Q: My father passed away recently and was in hospital and unable to perform salaah for a few days. We have tallied up the salaats (5 daily salaats including witr) from the time he was admitted. We have calculated 63 salaats.

The query relates to firstly the Sadaqatul Fitr figure which we are unsure how to calculate and the persons to whom we may distribute this amount to. My father missed salahs during the period 9th - 19th August 2021.

Making qadha if haidh started during a salaah time


1. My menstruation cycle is regular in the sense that I have 14 clean days, 1 day istihaza and 10 days haiz. It's the same every time. So it starts at 4.43pm. I am usually always alert about performing my asr salaah before the time of haiz starts. Unfortunately today I was unwell earlier and had to sleep and over slept and only awoke after the time of haiz began. Will this asr Salaah be considered as qaza?

2. As a saahib tartib if I make ghusl and I have only enough time to perform the fard salaah and not the qazaa. When do I read the qazaa?