
Feeding guests at a funeral

Q: What is the Shari ruling regarding being a part of the committee system, which is widespread in our area. People of a community contribute some amount every month e.g Rs. 300 per month. Whenever there is a death in the community, this committee comes forward and the collected amount is used to bear the expenses of the kafan, qabar and meals for 3 days for the guests who visit the family of the deceased. Should I become a part of this committee?

Marriage terminating with death

Q: I came across that death terminates marriage. But I have seen a hadith that our Nabi (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) said to Ayesha (radhiyallahu anha) that if she dies first then he will give her a bath. Also, Ali (radhiyallahu anhu) gave Fatima (radhiyallahu anha) a bath. Can you give me authentic ahaadith and proofs that death terminates marriage? In afterlife, will husband and wife would be together in jannah. So it is really confusing.

Being buried next to a sinful person


1- In some Kitaabs stories are mentioned of pious people getting buried next to sinful people due to the punishment on the sinful it has effected the pious in the grave and caused the pious to get old and have white hair etc, is it proven from Quran and ahadith that burying a pious person next to a sinful person will harm the pious person in any way?

2- Is it proven from Quran and ahadith that a person who has passed away feels and knows when he is bathed, shrouded etc and who is doing it?