
Dua after Janaazah Salaah


1. We notice that in some places the Imaam makes dua immediately after the janaazah salaah. Is this correct and among the Sunnah practices of janaazah Salaah?

2. If dua after the janaazah Salaah is not correct, however, for the sake of keeping the peace, can it be done?

Delaying in performing the Janaazah Salaah and burying the deceased


1. What is the shar’ee ruling in the situation where a foreigner passes away and his family from his home country makes a request for his body to be sent to them. In this case it is a legal requirement for a chemical to be injected into the veins of the deceased to keep the body from decomposing. Is this allowed in Shariah since it is a legal requirement?

2. If a foreigner passes away and his family from his home country makes a request for his body to be sent to them, then before sending the body overseas, do we have to carry out the ghusal, kaffan and perform the janaazah salaah? Once the family receives the body, will they have to repeat the ghusal and janaazah salaah?