
Still born child


1. Going through tough times. My wife delivered a stillborn baby boy two weeks ago, please make dua that Allah keeps us both patient. We fully accept and are happy with the decree of Allah, we just feel sad and empty. There was an issue regarding the burial and washing and clothing of our son. I understand that because our son was a stillborn and was born dead no janazah was required. But what about ghusl and shrouding with white cloth, were they obligatory or not? My father asked a maulana and he said to bury him as he is. In the state of grieving I completely overlooked and was not thinking about this issue.

2. If deceased children are in their graves, how is it that some hadith say that they are with Ibrahim peace be upon him in jannah. Are dead people not in their graves in bliss or torment? And only go jannah or jahanam after the day of judgement?

Stillborn child

Q: Going through tough times. My wife delivered a stillborn baby boy 2 weeks ago. Please make dua that Allah keeps us both patient. We fully accept and are happy with the decree of Allah, we just feel sad and empty. There was an issue regarding the burial and washing and clothing of our son. I understand that because our son was a stillborn and was born dead no janazah was required. But what about ghusl and shrouding with white cloth, were they obligatory or not. My father asked a maulana and he said to bury him as he is. In the state of grieving I completely overlooked and was not thinking about this issue.