
Questions relating to graves

Q: Please explain the following:

1. Is a grave sacred land?

2. Is it best for it to be flat with no heap of sand rising?

3. Should a grave be unmarked with no plank or name-plate or is it better to have it to help identify where a person is buried?

4. Can flowers etc be planted on a grave?

5. Is there reward in spending money on maintaining a cemetery including removing weeds from the graves?


Q: According to a Sahih Hadith of Abu Dawood the Prophet (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) had installed a head stone on the grave of a Sahabi for the purpose of identification in order that other family members could be buried near him. Accordingly the majority of the Ulama (including the salafi scholars are also in agreement) a grave stone can be installed as a marker. However the members of the managing committee of the graveyard of our town are forcibly stopping people from acting on this hadith giving their own personal reasons. Are they justified in forcibly preventing their Muslim brethren to act on a proven example of our beloved Prophet (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam)? Please give your opinion.