
Is nikaah necessary for a person who does not fear committing sin?

Q: If a person fears that he will commit fornication if he does not get married, is it obligatory to get married? What if he once committed fornication but he necessarily does not fear it. It just happened once. Is marriage obligatory for him? What if he does not want to get married and if forced to marry he might not give his spouse her rights?

Husband asking the wife to return from her parents house after delivery of the child

Q: My daughter Gave Birth First child how long is she allowed to stay with her parents? Both mum & child need mums attention Husband being inconsiderate wants her home as theirs no one to baby sit him. He’s complaining and nagging my daughter that driving from work to our home is tiring and no one to see to him. As a father I have been very patient.

Marital problems

Q: My husband cheated on me and got another wife but he doesn't take any care of me or my baby. Its been 2 years now. He never takes any responsibility of me and our baby. He is too busy with his new wife. He never contacts me or when I call he uses bad language and tells lies. Can I ask for divorce?