Rights of servants

Making taubah after using a girl's name and picture to speak to a boy

Q: When I was a teenager I used a picture and name of some other girl in my school and pretended to be her. I spoke to one boy in my school and we spoke inappropriately. I felt guilty and deleted it. This was years before I started praying and fasting but I still feel so guilty for the girl who’s picture and name I used.

I paid sadaqah in her name and I asked Allah Ta'ala for forgiveness years ago. I still feel upset and disgusted at myself. I dont believe I can contact the girl, and even if I could, I dont believe I would be able to tell her.

Is there anything else that I have to do to absolve myself?

Respecting one's abusive father

Q: I have a father, he is a worst creature I have ever seen in my life unfortunately. He always abuses us, my mother, his own mother while talking to us almost 7/10 times. He never spends a single penny on us apart from studies.

I am 25 years old and I have seen the emotional torture for the last 25 years. He used to beat our mother, I wish with a dare, I answer his nonsense infront of 10 people, but my mother stops me always saying that he is my father. She actually covers his psycho behaviour.

Some time from now I will get married and I dont want my wife to see such evil stuff, and my children as well (in shaa Allah).

Whenever I think of taking some legal and respectful action against him, to settle down things for atleast me, I am being stopped by my mother in the name of Islam. I want to know my Islamic right, how can I save myself from emotional torture?

We did a medical test for his brain (MRI), it came fine perfectly, the doctor says he has now multiple personality disorder, but I don't agree, since he has been the same person from day 1.

I want go away from him to save myself, and in shaa Allah my future family. Can I do this in Islam, because I am always being stopped in the name of Islam.