Rights of servants

Giving preference to one's cat over one's mother

Q: There is a dispute between my mother and I regarding the cat which I keep in my house. My mother wants me to remove the cat from the house, whereas I want to keep the cat, and this causes us to fight.

I live separately with my wife and I am not even living with my mother, yet she has made a huge fuss for me to remove the cat from the house and I am not willing to do that.

Please guide me as to what I should do? We have extreme love for cats, but now my mother seldom visits our home and only comes perhaps twice a month.

Mother spending daughter's money without her permission

Q: I'm the daughter, married and have a baby but still live with my parents as they won't allow me to get my own house.

My mother takes my bank card and spends without my permission nor tells me how much she spent. Is this allowed in Islam? Or is it theft.

Also, she leaves my card in her pocket and now my brother spent nearly £600 without me knowing.

Repenting for causing inconvenience to one's non-Muslim neighbour who passed away

Q: If at some point in a person’s life he would disturb a non-Muslim neighbour of his in a way where there was this sort of pipe thing outside his house such that it was loose and when moved back and forth it would make a noise inside the house. So at times where he repeatedly pushed that back and forth and times where he climbed into this neighbour’s garden numerous times without permission and at times the neighbour may have come out angry at this. The neighbour has passed away now. What do I do?