
Selling half niqaabs

Q: Is it permissible to sell half niqaabs where eyebrows and forehead are exposed just to encourage sisters in their journey of covering the face ? (because a lot of times in the beginning it's hard for sisters to take a full niqaab).

Selling women's western clothing

Q: I am a young mom and don't work because of my little one. My husband isn't earning much so I recently started a business from home to at least fullfil my own needs. I sell online women's western clothes like skirts, cropped tops, jeans, etc.

I invested some money in it (my small savings I had) but the other day a thought came to my mind if it's halaal to sell such kind of clothes. Having said that most of my customers are Christians. Can you please help me if it's okay to sell such clothes to non-Muslim women?

Seller keeping advanced payment after canceling a sale

Q: I have done an agreement for sale of property with a person and got X amount as advance payment. Remaining have to paid within 3 months. There was a clause in the agreement that if the buyer is unable to pay the remaining amount or backs off from the deal, I will keep the advance payment as a penalty. (There was another clause for the seller also if he backs off, he will give double of advance taken to buyer).

Now the buyer is backing off and wants to cancel the deal due to unavailability of remaining payment. Is the penalty amount of advance payment halaal for me to keep?