Dress & Attire

Wearing nike clothing

Q: Is it permissible to buy and wear Nike products? I know that Nike once put the name of Allah on a shoe, but it was unintentional and they apologized. Also, although Nike represents a Greek god, people don’t believe in the god and only buy the shoe for the style. Bearing this in mind, what is the ruling on Nike products?


Q: I have a uni-brow and I want to remove it but my parents say we need an authentic hadeeth or quranic ayah.

Wearing jackets

Q: One mufti mentioned in a bayaan that we as Muslims should not be wearing clothes like the kuffaar. Then he mentioned even the jackets we wear, these resemble the kuffaar, so we should actually be wearing like a jubbah type coat which is similar to a kurtha. Is this correct? Are jackets disliked?

Dread lock hairs

Q: I deeply honour your scholarly advice as I constantly follow your emails. My question today is:- I have heard from my friend that dread lock hairs symbolise satanic possession. Is it true by authentic Shari'ah?