Dress & Attire

Hair dye


1. What is the Shar'ee ruling regarding hair dye? Is it permissible to use?

2. What colours of dye should one use and which colours should one avoid using?

3. Is there any difference in the ruling between men and women?

4. Is it permissible to use hair dye which is non-porous and prevents the water from touching the hair? If one used such dye, will one's wudhu and ghusal be complete?

5. I heard that applying mehndi is a Sunnah. Can a person dye his beard or hair with mehndi and will one receive the reward of the Sunnah if one applies it?

Wearing shirt and pants


1. Can Muslim men wear pants and shirts if the pants is not so tight fitting?

2. Can Muslim men wear jeans pants if it not very tight fitting?

3. Can men leave their pants below the ankles when going to office? Provided he doesn't have pride in doing so. And when he goes for mosque for namaz he folds his pants above the ankles. Just when going for job he doesn't fold it because it look awkward in the office when the pants is folded from below.

4. Is it permissible to wear safari suit for Muslim men in some formal occasions in the work place as well as in the wedding?

Hair dye

Q: I would like ask when getting ones hair professionally dyed, bleach (ammonia) is normally used to aid in transitioning from dark to light or vice verse. I have heard that ammonia forms a layer over the hair but am unsure whether this is true as Islamicaly permanent dyes are permissible. Please let me know whether getting ones hair dyed professionally is allowed particularly when it's to cover grey hair as a means of adornment for the husband.