Women's Issues

Women leaving the home in unattractive clothing

Q: I am a Muslimah who wears a long robe like abaya when I go out in public. Recently I have been thinking of wearing a shalwar qamees when I go out in public. The reason I choose to wear it is because it is easier and comfortable than the one I wear. With the abaya, I sometimes slip and fall, but the way I choose to wear the shalwar is different. I'm going to wear it in the way Islam has prescribed for us. It will be a full sleeved loose kurta upto the knee and a loose denim along with the hijab properly wrapped covering my head and chest.

Is this kind of attire allowed? Is it a sin on me for changing my dress from the abaya to a shalwar?

Intermingling attending colleges, universities and high schools

Q: A certain Aalim said that the intermingling which occurs in public transport and in shopping centres is in the same category as the intermingling which occurs in a high school and university. He said that the Deen allows this level of intermingling as a concession for necessities.

Please comment on this. Is it correct to say that the principles which permit purchasing necessities at a mix gendered shopping mall are in the same category of pursuing secular education at high schools and university?

If Zaid intermingles whilst on public transport to his halaal business everyday, what is the difference with Umar who also intermingles at high school or university everyday? Zaid is pursuing his Rizq directly whilst Umar is learning the skills in order to pursue his Rizq. Are both in the same category? Please may this be explained.

Seeing a coloured discharge three days before one's haidh

Q: It was the time of my period and I got a peach discharge, it wasn't a dark peach. So I asked my teacher and she said that it is my period. (I don’t get any colour discharge during my tuhur period). so I took it as my period, I never discharged more of this colour, I discharged clear and white. I only started bleeding 3 days after I saw the peach discharge. Please advise whether the 3 days in which I saw nothing was actually my period, or did my period only start when I started bleeding. This happened during Ramadhaan.