Women's Issues

Seeing little redness after one's haidh ends

Q: I had haidh for nine days but I thought it was 10 days and I made ghusl because I thought it will be istehaza.. Before performing ghusl I found it clear but immediately after that I found some reddish so I was not sure if it was completely clear or not but before performing ghusl it was clear. In confusion I performed ghusl anyway as I thought it was the 10th day. If I perform salah in this condition is my salah valid. After ghusl I performed asr and maghrib and I never checked during this time. After maghrib I checked and it was clear.. Is my salah valid? Or should I repeat them?

Iddat after talaaq

Q: I have a friend and her family relations were not good since 2-3 years. Her dad divorced her mom 90 days ago. Today, after 90 days have been completed and she kept that divorce as a secret and didn't tell her daughter because she doesn't want to see her cry. What should she do now? Her father called today and said 90 days are over, what you want now? Is her mother's iddat considered? She didn't know that she has been divorced. What should we all do for her.

Removing one's hijaab to study

Q: I started wearing my hijab since 2016, no one forced me with it and it was my choice, and it has been a year for wearing it, but the problem is the job of the family that I am working in. It mainly deals with men and our customers are for men. If I plan to study a major for this job, I have to remove my hijab, especially in my country that I live in. It is one of the reasons for a Muslim lady to be forced to remove her hijab, unless if she is married or the guy who would want to be halal for her, ask her to wear hijab. If I wanted to study a major and it is not eligible for a lady to be wearing hijab for this major or job, would Allah punish me for removing the hijab? I have chosen it with love, because I wanted Allah to be near always and for so many reasons. What can I do to ask forgiveness from Allah, if I remove the hijab? Can I fast for one week asking forgiveness? I know Allah is kind and knows what is inside my heart, and Allah knows that even if life forced me to remove the hijab, I would still come back to wearing it, but I would like to know, if I remove my hijab, what can I do so that Allah would forgive me?

Woman working during iddat

Q: I want to ask about khula. I have taken khula about 4 days ago. My husband lives in Australia and he is not with us for the last 16 months. I started working in December and I am in my probation period because of which I am not allowed to leave. If I leave the job then it will be difficult for me to get another job as I am a mother of a baby boy. This is my source of income so that I can pay for his school and other expenses in future. Kindly guide me according to my whole situation.

Irregular bleeding after a miscarriage

Q: I have 1 daughter who is 6 years old. And now I had a miscarriage on Dec 16... The bleeding followed for 13 days; 10 days haidh and 3 days istihadha. Then it was done.

On January 9, I started bleeding again. I took ghusl after 6 days on 16 Jan. On Jan 7 everything was clear and I prayed all my salaahs and on Jan 18 I suddenly started bleeding again. I took ghusl for that on Jan 19.

On Jan 28 I started bleeding again. It was just for an afternoon... Then on Monday Jan 29 verything was clear...

Today, Jan 30 I started bleeding again..

How do I calculate the days of haidh and the days of istihadha? This is really confusing for me. I have never had irregular menses since buloogh and my aadat has always been 5 days only.