Women's Issues

Experiencing signs of haidh without seeing blood

Q: During the time of the month when a woman is expecting her period, she sees a small discharge of blood at night. She also feels what seems like the beginnings of period cramps. She assumes it is her period, doesn't pray isha, goes to sleep and wakes up in the morning, doesn't pray fajr. Later in that day, she goes to the bathroom and sees no blood, though she feels cramps. At this point does she have to pray? Does she have to make up the isha and fajr prayers she did not pray assuming she was on her period?

What if her she sees blood again later in the day?

Iddah after khula

Q: I have come across a Hadith of Tirmizi which says that the iddah of khula is one menstrual cycle.

But there have been some disputes regarding it and preferable period is three menstrual cycle.
Please clarify this difference of opinion.

If in the case of Khula being one menstrual cycle, can the lady go out and pursue her education if she wants to if after her cycle has ended?

Seeing a pinkish discharge before the days of haidh

Q: A woman spots pinkish discharge 5 days before her period date (she spotted the discharge on the 29th of November and she started bleeding on the 2nd of December) she does sometimes get her periods 3-4 days earlier, her normal habit is 10 days.

So my question is, should she count her Haidh from when she noticed the pinkish discharge or when she actually started bleeding?