Women's Issues

What is the correct way for a woman to establish that she is out of haidh?


1. What is the correct way for a woman to establish that she is out of haidh?

a. Is it necessary that tissue etc. be inserted and it should be dry

b. If on the tissue is a white discharge, will she be regarded as clean now?

c. Is it not necessary to insert anything, once her pad remains clean she can make ghusl? Sometimes there is a discharge but so little that it does not stain the pad, just when making istinja a wetness can be felt, so one is not sure of the colour of the discharge

d. Sometimes it's difficult to distinguish the colour of the discharge, if there is a very very slight yellowish discharge immediately after haidh, will it be counted too as haidh?

2. If a woman is fasting and a short while before iftar she feels that she has got her haidh, however she only manages to go to he bathroom after making iftar, and she sees that it is haidh, will she have to make qadha of this fast?

Woman getting different colours in her discharge

Q: A woman gets yellow, white and green colour discharge frequently. She does not get her periods monthly. She might get it only two or three times in a year.

The question is that after each fifteen days she counts the yellow or green discharge. Sometimes there is a discharge with red streaks as her period if she gets it for three days consecutively. Thereafter if she gets the discharge, after 1 or 3 days break also. She completes the haiz period as 10 days. Is this the right way? What if she gets gets only yellow or very light yellow or green discharge in the period of haiz? Should it be counted as haiz?

Getting married after the iddat period

Q: My husband and I have been separated for a year now. In May this year, he sent me an sms stating "I am giving you 1 talaaq in writing so you cannot deny it". We have not had any intimate or sexual contact in the last year.

My question is: Is my nikah over and am I allowed to re-marry? I understand that my iddah started from the point where he gave me this one talaaq and lasts for 3 menstrual cycles. The 3 menstrual cycles are over now but I did not observe iddah in the correct manner as I did not know at that time that I was in iddah.

Non-mahrams visiting a widow and seeing to her needs


1. My mother in law is presently observing her iddat. Owing to the fact that her son and husband have passed on and her brothers live far off, I take the responsibility of taking her out of the house for necessary needs e.g. hospital visits., etc. Am i allowed?

2. The second query would be regarding other ghair mahram men. Are they allowed to visit her at home? Is she allowed to go with them to any place that is deemed unnecessary? I think that she is not allowed to. She has recently left the house with an uncle of hers (not related by blood) for a few hours. Her reasoning is that he is an elder. Please clarify for me. Does my deceased father in law incur any azaab as well? 

Leaving the home during iddat

Q: A lady is sitting in iddat at her mothers house in Durban (the couple were not living together since few months. Now her only place where she can stay is by her mom). Her mother needs to go Cape Town for 1 or 2 weeks. Her mother is her only family in Durban, the rest of the family and her (ex) in laws as well are all in Cape Town. The query is that, can she go along with her mother and stay in iddat in one house (her brothers house) for the duration and when her mother returns to Durban she returns with her and complete the remaining iddat?

Spotting after haidh

Q: If a married woman has her periods (less than the normal flow) for 7 days. Then again after 2 to 3 days there is thin line of pinkish or sometimes red with whitish discharge, not like periods just, but once in a day for 5 to 6 days. Is it haidh or istihaza? Should she continue her prayers and can she do intercourse?