Women's Issues

Using a tampon

Q: I suffer with continuous slightly coloured discharge but it is not a large amount. I make fresh wudhu for every salaah as my discharge is ongoing. I sometimes due to circumstances am unable to make fresh wudhu and require to keep wudhu (i.e. due to travel or due to work etc). Please let me know if one can use a Tampon to keep wudhu across 2 salaah times, if the tampon remains dry on the bottom end and no discharge exists the outer area onto to under garments?

Marrying one's foster niece

Q: There are two sisters (Amna and Zulaika) and their mother died. After the death of their mother their father got married to Nasreen. The step mother of Amna and Zulaika (Nasreen) breastfed Amna's son Taimoor her milk. Can Taimoor perform nikah with his cousin who is the daughter of Zulaika? 

Wearing the niqaab in a home with non-mahram males

Q: I have a question about purdah. I live at my mother in-laws house and I wear niqab. There are always males in the home who are my husband's cousins and uncles. Is it permissible to not wear the niqab when they are present? I try avoid taking it off as much as possible but sometimes I am unaware that they are in the home and am not wearing it which makes me feel guilty because there have been times where my husband says I should leave it off or he doesn't encourage to wear it when those particular people are around.

Bleeding after nifaas

Q: Regarding postpartum bleeding, after the 40 days when bleeding continues off and on as it does for breastfeeding mothers it is regarded as istihaza, so the days after the blood has stopped will you need to perform ghusl just as you do for normal menstruation? Or only wudhu? And how long will it be regarded as istihaza?

Working in iddat

Q: I have had issues with my husbad for several years now. Last week on 15th July he issued me with 2 talaaqs during an argument. He said the word talaaq and then also said divorce. I asked a local mufti who advised me that it is talaaq e rujoo and that I am in iddah until my husband and I reconcile. I was advised that we should reconcile in front of 2 witnesses, because we've had issues for some time. I said that I wanted to put some conditins to my husband and if he agreed then we could move forward. Mufti sahib said that as long as the conditions were within the shariah hudood it was fine. Unfortunately my husband is not willing to compromise, hence I am still at my parents in the state of Iddah. I am praying we will reconcile within the time limit of 3 haiz, but currently I am in the state of Iddah.

My question is: I am the sole wage earner, my husband does not work, I pay the wages and support my 4 children. I am also the headteacher of 3 Muslim schools, my absence from school has, and will create major problems for the operation of the school. In these conditions am I able to continue working whist in iddah? I am a follower of the Hanafi school of thought. Please advise.