

Q: Last night around 2 am I had terrifying dreams, it wasn't a nightmare it was worse, I'm trying to avoid being irrelevant but I woke up really afraid, shooken and emotional. The dream was a demon was forcefully taking my hand in marriage and taking me away from my family. It wasn't the usual scary faces you'd see in a movie, I cannot get the face out of my head as it was terrifying after I had tried to fight it off it then locked me in my house and was manipulating me, making me feel as if I was going insane. I woke up afraid and read my duas for safety and protection, I then returned to sleep and was faced with something possessing me and troubling me, not hurting me but controlling me (not allowing me to get help) I'd really be appreciative to know what this means because it isn't something I could just brush off.


Q: I saw in the dream that a very beautiful girl is standing along my sister and her friend  inside a building. They can see outside from mirror, When I came and stand in front of building then the girl on seeing me holded my sister's arm and try to pull it like they were hiding from me. But when she came to know that I have seen them she came down and laughed and came closer to me. I was on cycle but cycle was of plastic so I couldnt get away. She came near me. I took her at side of building because my father was standing at some distance with his friends and was seeing me. I after taking her beside of building held her hand and asked her to hide. This is all I remember.

And in the next night dream I saw my cousin who is aloso very beautiful along my sister.  I was standing in a room and then they came inside, I on seeing this tried to leave the room and behaved like I dont know my cousin. My sister also called her Angelina who is a film actress while the real name of my cousin is Sumbal. I cant remember anything further.


Q: I had a dream where I hit my husband thrice on his face. And in the dream I felt bad and realised my mistake and made istighfaar. On a peevious occassion too I dreamt I hit him. Can Mufti Saheb please advice


Q: My husband did isteqara as we planned to shift to canada permenetly he saw 3 days diffrent dreams 1 day it was good n sudden he saw firing in a office he wrks two dreams he saw on day one then second day he dsnt remmber what he saw n now third day he saw himself standing in front of the sea n sea color is blue n then suddenly a black fish jumps on him what does this isteqara mean we dnt no what to descide can u plz explain what actully this all mean what should we consider it as yes or no what do these sign n color mean or should we do again isteqara ?


Q: My wife would like to have the following dreams interpreted    '

'I dreamt that you (Husband) and I were in a very cold place. Sa'ad (4) and Ammaar (5 months) were with us as well as my mum. I few other people where present as well. We were on a deck or platform surrounded by icy blue water. Sa'ad (middle child, currently 4 years old) looked much younger and was standing at the edge with my mum with a ball in his hand. I was a little distance away, changing Ammaar or busy with him in some way. You were behind us. Sa'ad took a step forward (he was barefoot - remember that distinctly) and fell into the water. He was holding the ball in his hand, so went under and then bobbed at the surface. I got up immediately to go to him but my mum had already jumped into the water. I pulled them both out.  The dream changed a little, I still saw the same place, this time with balls of something that looked like coal floating in the sky and then falling into the water.  It was a very long dream, but everything else is unclear. 

Dreamt during the night, well before fajr, today (18/04/2017). She also said that she had read surahs and duas before sleeping.  Had a strange dream about the same child on Friday(14/04/ 2017) morning after fajr as well. Different scenario. Dreamt there was a possible attempt to molest him by a family friend (someone well known to the family).  I picked him up and ran away and reported to the family. 


Q: I have killed an adamkhor (cannibal) in a dream at night.one known to me is also adamkhor and i have killed him. there is a river in which waters i am sinking them (Adamkhors) and killing them. After wards, me along with my father and brother reaches on bridge of river. Kindly advise me tabeer of this dream.


Q: What is meaning of dreaming of a white snake which I was trying to tramp and while doing that it turned into a black pig with spots. Please advise.


Q: I would like to ask you to please help me by interpreting a dream I had.

I had a dream where I was in a mall with my two children in a trolley an as I went to take a elevator I thought someone was trying to steal my bag I got distracted an realized as I got out of the lift that I was pushing the wrong trolley an my children weren't in this one I was so terrified an afraid I went an found my brother an older sister in the mall an crying I told them I'm looking for my children an they didn't even seem to care as they avoided the subject an started talking about where they wanted to eat lunch I then went an found my husband an told him what happened an even he seemed so calm an not worried I was so scared I went an looked an found the trolley with him my baby was still in her car seat but I couldn't find my other child I started looking everywhere for him an then found him playing on the floor outside one shop an then the dream ended with me feeling very shaken but relieved.

Maaf for so long message just always I seem to be suffering with anxiety an constant fear an maaf for saying this but depression also is there any dua you can also recommend for anxiety an also if you could please interpret the dream.