Food and Drink


Q: Are prawns halaal? Some say that it is halaal because it is a sea creature but others consider it haraam.

Donkey milk

Q: Many people are saying that the milk of a donkey is halaal, while some are saying it's not halaal. What is the Shar'ee ruling in this regard?

Wine vinegar

Q: I would like to ask you about the Brandywine vinegar as I am studying in Germany and almost every other has this Branntweinessig and they use it as a cheap preservative for yogurt, ketchup, mayonnaise, even some milk drinks also have this. So is it permissible to use this or not as due to language barriers I could only rely on translation which literally means wine vinegar.

Eating honey and olive oil

Q: I would like to know about the sunnah of honey and olive oil and how to eat it. I read some information online and what most of the websites say is that the sunnah way of eating honey is by adding it to boiling water and having it on an empty stomach, but wouldn’t the hot water kill the nutrients in the honey? And for the olive oil, would it be sunnah to have two tablespoons in the morning before breakfast on an empty stomach ?