Family ties

Responsibility of taking care of a woman

Q: A man was taking care of his sisters (due to both parents passing away years back). He has now passed away, amongst his descendants there are 6 kids and a wife, of which only 1 baligh son aged 17.

The sister has 4 paternal uncles (papa's) and 3 maternal uncles (mamajees) and a sister. She is not fully mentally okay and needs someone to oversee her daily living.

Mother spending daughter's money without her permission

Q: I'm the daughter, married and have a baby but still live with my parents as they won't allow me to get my own house.

My mother takes my bank card and spends without my permission nor tells me how much she spent. Is this allowed in Islam? Or is it theft.

Also, she leaves my card in her pocket and now my brother spent nearly £600 without me knowing.