
Shaking the hands of na mahrams

Q: It is obviously haraam to violate the hijab, in terms of both, appearance and attitude and actions. I know for example, speaking about private things to the opposite gender is haraam. What if one shakes the hand of the opposite gender whom he/she is completely un-attracted to? Is there still sin in this?

Steam baths

Q: We are Hanafi and I want to know about steam-bath with mahrams. My physician strictly advise me to take steam-bath 20 minutes regularly. Today I joined the gym with my brother for steam-bath. In my mind that I will sit in steam-room in complete dress with my brother but the instructor told us that we have to sit with wrapped towel (from chest to knee). Today I wrapped the towel and sit at steam-room with my brother. During steam-bath I was thinking about "Is this permissible in Islam?" that wearing towel from chest to knee in front of brother in steam-room. So when I reached home I was searching about this ARWAH/SATAR of women in front of Mahrams. from many Islamic sites I found the material about the ARWAH of women in front of Mahrams. On those site it was written that "ARWAH OF WOMEN IN FRONT OF MAHRAMS FROM NAVAL TO KNEE". If the mahrams see their woman other parts like face, hands, feet, hair and chest, these parts are not HARAM or there is no sin in this case It want to ask it is true and can I go to steam-bath with my brother? Because it is necessary for me or if it is wrong then I will leave the gym. I waiting for your positive answer.

Looking at na mahrams with lust

Q: I am a 20 year old male living in the UK. I want to go to university in this country however, there are very expensive tuition fees therefore most people have to take out a haram interest loan. However, there are a few courses that are full NHS funded so I can avoid the haram loan. One is called Dietetics BSc. I really want to do this course. However, the course is 87% female. The majority of these are young 'attractive young ladies'. There are 13% male on this course and I'd do my best to avoid the females and stick with my male friends. However, a male being on a 87% female course, it will be hard to avoid them, and I fear looking at them with desire-which is haram in the hanafi madhab. Is there any position in any of the four sunni madhabs that will allow me to look at these students potentially with desire? I understand the whole point of these Islamic gender laws is to avoid
adultery. Even If I look at them even with desire, insha'Allah, nothing will come of it and I won't commit adultery, I will avoid them these girls as much as I can and lower my gaze, but sometimes it is difficult to talk to these people without looking at them and I cannot guarantee that my looks will be free from desire. 

I want to study this to earn a halal income, improve the health of my community and avoid the haram student loan, but I may have to look at these
people but I am not interested in taking it any further with these girls. They're students, like me, and potentially a fitna for me. I will treat them
that way. But I cannot guarantee my looks will be free from desire. 

Maid breastfeeding the child

Q: I want to ask about (awrah of non-muslim women) in front of muslim men. My wife can not produce milk for breast feeding our child. In our house a non muslim maid working she is healthy and active as well. We also checked her medical reports all were clear so Maid is feeding our child. Yesterday my wife was not present in home during that time I did not allow maid to feed my child alone because I don't trust her. First time yesterday she was feeding in front of me and she did not cover her breast properly. I asked few of my friends about this matter "awrah" they told me that there is no awrah for Non muslim women. It is allow to see non muslim womens naked body.

My question is that:

  1. What is the minimum awrah for non muslim women in front of muslim men?
  2. It is permissible for me that I order my non-muslim maid to feed my child in front of me?
  3. My friends told me that if you see non-muslim woman naked there is no sin. it is right?

Dressing immodestly in front of one's in-laws

Q: I am a married female living with my in-laws i.e. father in-law, mother in-law and my husband’s sister. My husband says I can only cover between my navel and knees in front of them because they are unmarriageable to me and there is no sign of lust or fitna. He says I can roam in home like this If my husband has no problem with my being topless in home and only cover between navel and knees and abdomen and back of abdomen. I also belive that there is no possibility of fitna because two are muslim women in the house and my father in law is my father in law. My husband also say’s that they can also touch those parts if needed as they are unlawful to marry and if there is no lust. Please tell me as soon as possible that is it sinful or not to only cover those parts between navel and knee and going topless with bare breasts. I know being modest is good but what in this case when my husband has no problem and says I can? And I am asking only in front of muslim women and mehrem men. Please don’t tell about non-mehrem men I know that.

Being in seclusion with a na Mahram female in a lift


  1. When I was in an elevator/lift in Makkah together with a Saudi man, 2 women in full hijab and niqab entered the lift.The Saudi man got upset and chased them out. I used to often be alone in the lift with women and used to be unsure what to do. Is it  permissible to be alone with a woman in an elevator or what should I do in such case?
  2. If my seat on the plane is next to a Ghair Mahram woman, is it ok to sit next to them?