
Woman exposing her breast in front of her mahrams

Q: I am 26 years old and have 5 elder sisters and a mother and no brothers. According to Islam can a women expose her breast in front of a mahram man and husband? During house-chores my mother and sisters expose their half breast and sometime full breast, this causes my private part to become erect and I have a discharge. I have no sexual desire with my mahrams but the beauty of the breast always make me have a discharge. My friend told me that this is not haraam or sin. You can easily discharge without any fear. Is this haraam or sin?

Dressing in a respectable manner in front of one's mahrams

Q: I want to ask few questions regarding women's dressing in front of mahrams:

  1. My friend told me that his mother wears a loose sleeveless nighty from chest to knee in front of her husband and children. In this nighty her breast is visible when she sits down or is working. He can see her breast but from stomach to knee her body is hidden.
  2. He told me that sometime she didn't wear bra because of which her nipples are visible on her shirt.
  3. Another thing he told me is that after taking a bath she wraps her body with a towel and comes out from the washroom and starts combing. Most of the time her towel becomes loose and her whole breast is visible.

I asked my friend why she does like this. He replied that it is allowed in Islam. Mahram males can see a woman's breast, neck , hair, thigh. But he also said that women can not show her body from stomach to knee and back. It is not allowed in Islam.

Is this true?

Purdah from one's male cousins

Q: In islam one is meant to keep strict pardah in front of ones cousins. I am Aware of a Girl who after becoming baaligh has done things which are wrong she has exposed her body to her cousins brothers and vise versa she had allowed one of her cousins to play a filthy action of him doing jima in the condition they both had clothes on she has allowed them to touch and feel her. They were the early stages of her becoming baaligh she doesn't know why she allowed such things to happen. She regrets and has remorse over such wrong doings as well as asking Allah Ta'ala for forgiveness is there anything she could do?

Non-Muslim woman being involved with a Muslim man

Q: I am a married non-muslim and wanted to ask that is it wrong if I care for someone who is a muslim with whom I was very close at some point of time in life. However, I perform all my family duties perfectly but I am still worried about his well being. I respect Bhagwan, Allah, God in all different forms but I feel Karm (work) is very important because everyone has been sent by God for a reason. Please guide me how do I make that muslim guy understand that work and prayer both is important?

Women's voice

Q: Is a woman's voice part of her ourah? I learned that the wakeel of a woman must first give way to her before she can be allowed to speak to a man other than a direct male relative of her family. I ask because I hear woman speak freely on the Islamic radio stations and it doesn't sound right.

Purdah between husband's and wife's children from previous marriages

Q: Is there purdah between the husband's baligh son and the wife's baligh daughter from a previous marriage? Would they become milk brothers and sisters if the new wife has a baby from her husband and breast feeds the baby? Will the breast feeding of this mutual brother and sister render his and her children milk siblings. Please explain the ruling according to hanafi and shafi.