

Q: I read somewhere that doing the following Amal can break any black magic spells,

• Take a glass of water

• Recite darood sharif 11 times

• Recite bismillah hir rahmaan nir raheem 487 times

• Recite darood sharif 11 times (again)

• Blow 3 times on water and drink (Or give to someone affected to drink)

If you see bright whiteness then it means that the magic got extinguished. Just like water extinguishes fire. Is this Amal valid? Can I rely on this Amal?

Wazifa for financial problems and debts

Q: We are facing financial problems from years as my mom is indebted with a loan worth 50k and now my sister's wedding is also expected but we are short of cash. We have properties but cannot sell it as people are creating problems. Our father died 18 years ago. I do istighfaar as much as I can and I am also afraid that the interest on the amount will make my mother suffer in the aakhirat. I am very much afraid of Allah but my mother didn't have any option except to loan out her assets as she's a single parent. Please tell me a wazifa so that we can cover the whole loan from the bank within days.

Making dua for children

Q: We have been trying to conceive for four years. We have had one miscarriage in between. Doctor's are saying my sperm count and motility (speed) is low. I have now left it in Allah's hands. I was just wondering, as a man, what can I do? Is there any Ta'weez as such for males? Is there any Naseehah or Islamic prescription that Hadhrat can give me? Am I allowed to practise the Aa'maal that are normally given to ladies such as fasting, tying Ta'weez around my belly etc?


Q: What is the Islamic ruling on aamils? Those that claim to know who is affected by jinn. Is it permissible for a husband to bring such a person into your home? What is ruqya and what is the distinction between the two?

Wazifa for marital problems

Q: I have been married for 15 years. Recently due to a financial problem my husband has distance himself from me saying that it's stress related. We are hardly together as a married couple should be. Please if there's a dua that I could read that would soften him and let us have the relationship we once had. I strongly believe in reading my duas daily but I'm not sure of anyone in specific.

Dua for marriage

Q: I have heard that if the following dua is read daily with 11 times durood before and after, it will help a girl in getting married soon. Is this an authentic wazifa?

Wa min kullay shai’in zowjaini La Allakum tazakkaruna .Allah Humma bi Haqqi qauwlika Haaza wa Bi Hurmati Nabbiyika Muhammadi Sallal Laahu Ta’ala Alayhi Wa Aalihi Wa Sallam an tarzuqani(name of the girl if the girl is not reciting for herself) zauwjan Saaliham Muwafiqan ghaira muhalifin bay haqqi Sayyidina wa Mauwlana Muhammadiwin’ wa Aalyhi Ajmaeen.