
Woman using a tampon to prevent discharge

Q: I suffer with a lot of vaginal discharge for which I may be a mazoor in some months. I am going to check if I am mazoor or not. Now, it may be possible that if I use any kind of tampon or tissue, I may be able to prevent the discharge from coming out. But I do not want to insert anything inside as I am afraid that it may cause infection or cause damage to my hymen.

My question is, is it necessary for me to use tissue etc. to prevent my discharge? Because if I use it I will not be mazoor and without using it, I may be a mazoor.

Performing salaah or reciting Quraan with a small amount of impurity on one's clothing

Q: If a najaasat-e-ghaleezah that is thin and flowing falls on the body or clothes, it will be excused if the area on which it falls is equal to or less than a fifty cents coin in extent. If the person performs his salaat without washing it off, his salaat will be valid. But to refrain from washing it and to continue offering his salaats in this way is makruh. If it is more than a fifty cents coin, then it will not be excused. Salaat will not be valid if it is not washed off. Beheshwati Zewar (pg 44).

Does this include mazi?

What is meant by makrooh (disliked or sinful)?

Can I still read quran?

Removing impurity from a touch screen phone

Q: I have a question regarding impurity and touch screen phones. I would like to know how invisible impurity such as urine traces or other invisible impurity may be removed from a cellphone as it cannot be washed as it would be ruined. Would wiping the dry invisible impurity with a dry cloth remove it from the smooth surface of a phone? Or how about a wet cloth that is wetted with isopropyl alcohol (as this does not harm the phone)?