
Repeating ghusal if any part of the body gets dry before washing another part of the body

Q: I have read somewhere that while making ghusal, if any part of our body gets dry before purifying the other part, I have to repeat my whole ghusal (i.e. suppose if the water output of the tap is too slow and after washing my head, when I reach to clean my legs, some parts of my head or arms had already dried, do I need to repeat the ghusal? 

Validity of ghusal after finding braces glue on one's teeth

Q: I recently got my braces off and there is still some glue from it stuck on my teeth. This is normal because the glue is transparent and may be difficult for the dentist to see. However, my next dentist appointment is next week and this week I will have to do ghusl after my haidh ends.

I can’t get an earlier appointment. When I looked online for solutions to get the glue off, they recommended stuff like baking soda but these things can damage the enamel. Will my ghusl be valid with this glue on my teeth?

Purifying walls painted with a paint brush made from pig hair bristles

Q: Yesterday I was having doubts while I was painting my parents house about the paint brush. Today we had half left and when I searched the internet, i found that the paint brush was made from animal hair and it's non halaal. My family members are painting with it before I told them it's najasat because I just found out a moment ago and not yet told them. I have mixed the paint with the brush. Does my house become naajis and what do we do with the remaining paint? If I touch the house with wet hands, does the najasat transfer? This is very distressing. We have thrown the brush but the paint is still left and on the wall. Now must I throw the remaining paint away?

Wiping impurity off a flat surface

Q: My little brother got urine on his boots at school (at the bottom and top of shoe) and then walked from school to home in the snow, getting them wet. When he came home, he walked through the living room, spreading the wetness from his shoes all over the house. I did my best to wipe all the wetness off the floor but I don't even know all the places the water from his shoes got. Do I consider my living room to be impure? How can I make it pure again? I will have to mop the living room and the rest of the house, it that ok?