
Salaah of a person who has urine drops problem and salaah time is about to expire

Q: A person has a urine problem, where if he goes to the toilet, for the next 30-45 minutes he cannot read salaah due to urine drops. If the time of salaah is about to end and the condition persists, does he have to make Wudu and perform salaah, or let the salaah become qadhaa and perform it after the time has expired. (The person is not a ma'zoor as the condition did not last for an entire salaah time)

Touching an impure item

Q: I put a tissue around my private part. When I removed the tissue, it was damp. I had touched the damp tissue and with the same hands I touched the electrical switch and left it there for a few days. The switch is wet most of the time. I touched it when it was wet with wet hands but the switch had no trace of impurity on it and my hand did not have any trace of impurity on it. If I touched my clothes with the same hand, will the clothes become impure?

Imaamat of a ma'zoor

Q: Since last few months there’s minor fluid leaking from my anus, as soon as I clean myself and make wudhu, it leaks again. I think I qualify to be a Ma’zoor.

1. I have lead some prayers at home being a ma’zoor, are my prayers valid? If not, do I have to repeat them and inform my friends who prayed behind me. I don’t remember some persons who prayed behind me.

2. Can I offer Nafl Fasts in this state?

3. As the wudhu expires at the end of every salah time. Is it ok if I perform wudhu 5 mins before Maghrib as the jama’at time starts right after Adhan. I perform wudhu for Tahajjud Salah (20 mins before Fajr), do I have to perform fresh wudhu after Fajr time begins?

Seeing yellowish discharge when waking up

Q: My periods are always on time and even the bleeding will be for 6 days and I will take ghusl. Due to some physical ailments my regular vaginal discharge is yellowish in colour. It is like regular vaginal discharge but instead of white it is yellowish.

My question is, as this yellowish discharge is regular and after waking up from sleep I find this yellowish discharge daily, when I am certain that I didn't have any wetdream during sleep then what should I do? Is ghusl necessary due to this yellowish discharge which is continuous during the day as well as during the night.

Note: I am certain that there was no wetdream or lust during sleep.

Clear discharge


1. Does clear discharge break your wudhu? 

2. Whilst performing my salaah I discharged a clear discharge, does this mean my salaah is broken? Does this mean that I have to break my salaah and perform a new wudhu?

3. If I find out that I discharged after I have already completed my salaah, do I have to perform my salaah again?

4. If I have been discharging a clear discharge a lot the entire day, do I have to still continously perform a new wudhu everytime?