
Inserting a tissue in the private part to prevent discharge


1. If a woman has a leucorrhea discharge problem and she knows after an hour or so she will experience a discharge but after performing ablution she inserts a tissue in the private area and offers her prayers the whole day knowing the fact that the discharge will be there when she will remove the tissue, will the salah perform in such condition be valid?

2. What is the shariah ruling regarding this?

3. Should she remove the tissue, clean and wipe the private area and then perform a fresh ablution when she knows she discharged?

4. If she does not insert the tissue and she offers her prayer and in the prayer she feels the discharge, will the wudhu break? Does she need to perform salaah again?

Doubting if one experienced a wet dream

Q: In Behashti Zewar by Molana Ashraf Ali Thanvi (rahmatullahi alaihi) there are conditions for ghusl if we find the wetness after waking up. The conditions are based on if a person remember a wet dream or if a person doesn't remember a wet dream.

1. If a person is doubtful about having a wet dream, very confused about a wet dream or not then in this situation which conditions should one follow?

2. Does being doubtful about having a wet dream come under the situation where a person doesn't remember having a wet dream?

Doubting whether one had a wet dream or not

Q: I am a female, after waking up in the morning sometimes I am very doubtful whether I had a wet dream or not. I am certain that no orgasm took place. The vaginal discharge is white or clear as regular discharge or sometimes clear water as sweat in very little quantity as moisture of organs. The discharge does not even come out of the labia majoria. It is inside only. So do I need to do ghusl as I am doubtful of whether I had wet dream or not?