
Celebrating Nabi (sallallahu alaihi wasallam)'s birthday

Q: Someone sent me a link and said that Nabi (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) celebrated his birthday because of what is stated in the link. Could you please calrify and tell us a way to explain to them why we cant celebrate Rabi ul awwal?

Did Nabi (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) fast on Mondays due to the fact that he (sallalallhu alaihi wasallam) was born on a Monday?

Finding something that looks like a cross on one's phone

Q: Recently I bought a new phone that is designed to be waterproof and it is designed to be such that if it falls from a table it doesn’t break or crack the screen.

A problem, however, is that the designer of the phone placed two steel platters over the phone’s back (I think it is intended to protect the battery and the back of the phone). I know picture making is haraam so I did not take a photo for you to inspect. The two steel platters cross each other and it looks like a cross (two steel platters crossed together, with the upper part of the vertical platter shorter, which is similar to a cross). I personally don’t think the company intended to make a cross shape to appeal people rather the designer probably just thought that this design is either safe or “cool” (it is a Chinese phone company and they are likely not Christians).

Should I return the phone or keep it? Returning it makes me feel a bit guilty as there is no product defect. But keeping it also makes me worried. If I keep how do I destroy the shape (it is made for safety so I don’t know how to remove the platter)?

Discussing questions related to Deen with a non-Muslim

Q: If a non-Muslim is arguing with me that the scientific facts mentioned in the Quran might be added or written by Muslims themselves after the discovery of different things such as the creation of the universe (big bang mentioned in the Quran) then few years later Muslims added new things such as the creation of humans etc. in the Quran.

How can I reply to such a question by a Hindu etc.?

Will it be clear to him if I tell him that there are old Quran manuscripts preserved in museums which are 500 years old or later?

Seeing signs of Allah Ta'ala

Q: I have a bit of a strange question. What does Mufti have to say when the signs of Allah appears in a persons everyday life. The first experience was the words of "Allah" in arabic that appeared on the foam layer of a cuppicinno" When i saw it initially brushed the idea away as a coincidence. But 3 months later the same sign appeared on the left hand side of my chest. It was the same arabic writing of the words "Allah" which appeard as a red raised skin rash. It disappeared after a week or so. On another occation i was cutting my nails and i noticed the same or arabic words Allah was engraved in my tagiyat finger nail. As the nail grows and as i cut it .. it would later grow back at a later stage. Of late it appeared again as a rash on my right forearm. These signs will seem to come and go . I am truely greatfull for it but i am always wonder what the meaning of it all is . I would like my details to be anonymous.