Jamaat Salaah and Imaamat

Following the imaam in salaah over Skype

Q: During a special time like an epidemic, is it permissible to pray in congregation by following an imam over Skype? For example in Jumu'ah, if the imam delivers the sermon in Skype and leads the prayer, can the muqtadi take part in the congregation from their houses (which is different than the imam's)? Is this congregational prayer valid? If not, what is the basis of this invalidity according to Quran and Hadith?

Performing salaah in the masjid when public gatherings are banned

Q: Due to the Corona virus pandemic, the Indian government has instructed all gatherings to be limited to at most six people. As a result, all the masjids in our locality were shut down for the public. Only the trustees and the imam of the masjids offer namaz in congregation. However, one masjid was an exception so far in that it was allowing musallis from outside as well and so far I had been offering namaaz in congregation in that masjid. However, it was issued multiple notices by the police from time to time that if gatherings are not limited, they will shut down the masjid. Therefore, for fear of the masjid getting shut down by the police, the imam, along with the trustees of the masjid, had decided to temporarily bar the outsiders from attending the jamaat. However, today I could hear from the mike the khutbah but, by then, it was too late for me to attend the jumuah. It was never announced that the jumuah will take place. In that case, is the jumuah that has taken place in the masjid valid?

Regarding this, I also have another query. If the government bans public gatherings beyond six people and our neighborhood masjid does not comply with the order but allows people to come to the masjid for namaaz, what should we do if we hear reports of police beating up namazees with their sticks for for complying? In our locality, though there have been multiple notices, I've not heard of police beating up namazees and therefore, in my opinion, the chances of that happening is low, and so I am not much afraid that police might beat me up. However, if my mother is very afraid and she does not want me to take that risk and prohibits me to attend the masjid in that situation, should I listen to her or should I go for congregational namaz including jumuah?

Social distancing in salaah

Q: Is social distancing in salaah permissible? My ustadhs say its not permissible and its makrooh tahreemi and that's what I follow but at home, my brother says its allowed because the hadith needs interpretations and that Hazrat Muhammed (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) said that flee from a leper. So how would you flee from a lion? He also said that Umar (radiyallahu anhu) didn't want to enter a land of the plague and he said that all the Ulama that say social distancing is not permissible are weak in usoolul fiqh and weak Ulama.