Published 7 years ago
Last updated 7 years ago
Q: Can you please tell me the duration of my period . I have heavy bleeding for 4 days.Then next 2 days i have light bleeding. On the 7th and 8th day, i notice blood when i wipe tissue paper, but it may happen that on these two days, bleeding comes interrupted. For example i have bleeding at 6:00 am, then on 08;00 am, it stops. Then again at 10:00 am bleeding happens. It continúes for 2 days. On 9th day i see no bleeding. So can you please tell me the length of my períod?And what should i do on the last two days when bleeding comes interrupted?
A: If it stopped on the ninth day then your period will be 9 days.
Count yourself to be in haidh until the blood has completely stopped.
And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.
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