
Convert making an effort to recite the Quraan in Arabic

Q: I am a Muslim convert. I converted to Islam 1 and half months ago Alhamdullilah.

I have a question about reading the Quran. I want to make it my habit. I would like to do it in a way that is the most beneficial for me. I don't know Arabic, I read an English translation by Dr. Mustafa Khattab, so reading random surahs (as my friend recommended to me) doesn't work for me because I can't remember its content. It would be better for me to read it by topics, so I can focus on one topic at at a time and do notes, remember more.

Is there any particular order of topics I should follow? If not official, maybe then your personal? I'd like to go from things that are general, to laws and details etc. In my Quran there is an Index that I could use to look for exact ayas.

Meaning of seven ahruf

Q: Were all 7 Ahruf (without exception) and all The Mutawaatir & Mashhur Qira’aat (without exception) revealed by Allah Ta'ala to Jibril (alaihis salaam) who delivered the Revelation to Sayyidunaa Muhammad (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) and Allah Ta'ala revealed it to Sayyidunaa Muhammad (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) and Jibril (alaihis salaam)?

Instilling love for the Quraan in the heart of one's child

Q: My husband and I have been blessed with a baby alhamdulillah. We would like the baby to have finished memorising the Quraan by an early age if Allah wills.

What steps can we take to ensure that the child can begin learning and memorising from an early age? What brain foods would also be good for the child and mother as I’m nursing currently.