Hadith question

Q: Is there any credible or authentic narration which states that Hawa (the mother of mankind), Sarah (the mother of the Prophet Isaac), Princess Hajrah of Egypt (the mother of Prophet Ismael), Queen Asiya (the wife of the Pharaoh of the time of Musa) and/or Hazrat Mariam (the mother of Prophet Isa) were present at the birth of Rasool (Sallalla hu alaihi wa Sallam)? A Barelwi brother once told me that Hazrat Mariam (the mother of Prophet Isa) was also present, whilst this article states from the Jamiatul Ulama states that the other four ladies were present: http://jamiat.org.za/blog/miraculous-birth-of-our-beloved-nabi-s-a-w/ However I have not come across any lecture on the Seerah nor any book of Seerah mentioning that any of these five women were present. Furthermore Shaykh Maulana Ibrahim Mogra of the UK said that it is false to state that Hazrat Mariam was present. Can the Mufti please clarify the true position of Ahlus Sunnah wal Jama'ah?

A: We have not come across any such narration.

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.


Answered by:

Mufti Ebrahim Salejee (Isipingo Beach)